Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Sextuplets Mom Wins on 'Deal or No Deal'

Back in June, announced the arrival of sextuplets to Jenny and Bryan Masche, the "Masche Miracles".

"Deal or No Deal" celebrated Christmas last night with Jenny Masche as a contestant. She ended up taking a deal for $121,000 and was then surprised with a $100,000 scholarship for the sextuplets from Johnson's Baby. Congrats! What a great Christmas gift for the Masche family!


Bridget said...

That is so great! I'm sure they can use that extra $$$! I cannot imagine the monthly expenses with sextuplets in the house.

beth ewing said...

it was so fun to watch her. i felt like i kind of know her since i've seen her website so i had an interest in whether or not she won.

Anonymous said...

I can only imagine that they must have been fairly well-off to begin with being able to afford impregnation of that many babies! but, I'm sure "the deal" $$ will help. good luck to them!

Bridget said...

I don't care how much money they started off with... can you imagine that monthly diaper bill??? Or formula! Lordy, one friend told me that they spent on average $150 a month on formula for 1... can you with multiples? EEK!

Anonymous said...

Who cares? I think they are a disgrace using their kids like that. All they want are free hand outs. They are disgusting!!

Anonymous said...

I not only know the Masche family, I personally volunteered to care for the sextuplets around the clock for 2 weeks, as did several of my peers.
Bryan and Jenny didn't set out to have anything but one healthy baby. They didn't do IVF. No doctor would even do IVF with 6 fertilized eggs. Jenny did one round of Folistim and God did the rest. Those babies are a blessing and anyone who thinks they are being exploited is a fool.
They never asked for anything but prayers. The world took an interest and those of us that wanted to help, started making calls to get them the products and services they needed.
If you'd like to learn more about the Masche family visit or

Unknown said...

What is the fuck wrong with you to say something like that is your life that miserable OMG grow the fuck up not everybody is evil but you sure showed people that you are

Anonymous said...

You are crazy give the lady some love