Malone Quads in Georgia (currently in Arizona for delivery)...
You guys have a great site! I too before starting my own blog became addicted to reading these stories! We're 33wks here in Scottsdale AZ.(114 degress today) We are due 8/20. But I bet you guys knew that already. Continued success!
Laura in Tennessee...
Hi, my name is Laura and I'm a blog addict. I admit it and the first thing to addiction is admitting it right?!? Anyway, I have made lots of "blogging friends" since I have started! I love looking at other blogs and love it when people stop by to look at mine! After taking care of my 1 year old and husband of 3 years, I spend pretty much 90% of my "free time" on the computer looking at updating my site or looking at other blogs... now if that's not an addiction I don't know what is!!
Amy in Alabama...
I confess...I am hooked on blogs. It doesn't even matter to me if I don't know the people. I just love linking over to other blogs from people that I do know. I feel like I have a "spying" addiction.
Vera's Mommy in Alabama...
I am a friend of Millers Mommy and I too am a Blogger Addict. I have had so many family members and friends start blogs too! We are one big happy blogging family! Love the site and will visit it daily!
Cassie in Texas...
I am a total baby blog addict! It all started when a friend of me pointed me towards the McNulty's blog (the quads...I) went to high school with there momma! Soon after I started a blog of my own kiddos! I love finding new blogs with kiddos and seeing what they are doing and how similar or different mine are! Thank god for the entertainment of blogs!!!!
Millersmommy in Hawaii...
I'm just glad to know I'm not the only addict out there. I love babies and kids so much and love to see what other babies are doing. And I too have found old friends in the blog world. This site is a great place for all the baby blog addicts to unite.
Cherie in Virginia...
I'm Cherie, and I'm a blog junkie...OK, so I admit it...I've visited blogs of people I don't know and even their friends who I don't know either! I used to think "those" people were crazy, but when things get boring late at night, what else is there to do?!?! Jennifer Walker and I laughed about it over the weekend--how we can spend so much time blog-hopping! So I came to realize how bad it really was when I stepped of the plane in Richmond yesterday and recognized someone from Sherry's blog! In Virginia, nonetheless! Now, I've never even met Sherry (but I'm sure she knows all about Sarah from her Aunt Angelle!) much less this family, who I'm sure thinks I am insane! And then there is Heather from Utah--never met her either! She's a friend of a friend of a friend--you get the picture. Anyway, she has absolutely, hands-down, the best ideas for crafts, gifts, parties. This is one of the most creative people I've never met! I could go on and on, but I won't bore you. So for all of you who've I never met and don't know (and even those that I do), leave me a comment and let me know how you found our blog! I promise I won't call you a "blog stalker!"
Sarah in Mississippi...
I started a blog for my son last year and quickly became a certifiable baby blog addict. I spend at least 45 minutes a day checking out 10...or maybe 20...blogs. It's ridiculous, but I'm hooked. Jennifer in Alabama...When I come across a new baby blog, I like to go to the archives and look at the first post to find out their story. I've been known to get hooked and read through up to two years of posts in one night. It's like a good book that you just can't put down. Yes...I'm a blog addict.
I spend about an hour of my day blog-hopping. It's a glimpse into other people's lives - who wouldn't be interested. You can be nosy without anyone knowing!!
Kirk in Texas...
I see all these people from college and love to catch up, though we don't even know each other any more.
Raesmom in Mississippi...
My baby blog addiction started innocent enough. I started reading one blog because the family had the same due date as we did. Now I check that blog at least once a week to see what their little one is doing. From that blog I hopped to other baby blogs. I never thought I'd be one of those parents who would like to listen to other people brag on their kids but I really do.