Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Who Knew? Guck in Tub Toys

By Jennifer

Who Knew that tub toys would harbor guck (defined as "oozy sloppy dirt or debris" by Merriam-Webster). I guess I didn't realize that the rubber ducky and little rubber fish that my son played with in the bathtub were collecting water through little tiny holes and growing guck inside.

I thought that if I just squirted out the excess water after bathtime, it would be ok. But it's not! My son freaked out when he saw the little flecks of guck that flew out of the rubber ducky's mouth when all I was trying to do was make him giggle. Needless to say, that was a very quick bath and the poor rubber ducky went to rubber ducky heaven that night.

I thought I was the only neglectful parent until I read about the exact same thing on another blog. It's good to know I'm not alone in the guck department.

Who knew that you had to clean those little suckers out? Now, you know. Please feel free to share your own tips about how you clean your baby's bath toys to keep them guck-free.

Previous Posts:
:: Who Knew? Toddlers Can Tell Time
:: Who Knew? Vertically Challenged Moms
:: Who Knew? Different Size Nipples

Giveaway: Board Book from Barefoot Books


Barefoot Books is an independent publisher of children's books that are colorful, playful and fun. I really didn't know a lot about the company when Alpha Sanford, one of their stallholders, approached us about a giveaway, but was happy to learn more. Their books are very unique and inspiring. We are lucky to be giving away one of their books "Off we go Galapagos!"

Check out Alpha's Barefoot Book page here. You can get 10% off your purchase when you place an order on Alpha's site. She uses her Barefoot Blog (you know we love blogs) to share Barefoot books reviews, giveaways and discussions about being a stallholder.

Here's how to enter to win the book, "Off We Go Galapagos!":

1. Go to the Barefoot Books website and take a look around.

2. Come back to this post and leave a comment stating which book you would like to know more about and read about on Alpha's blog.

3. Make sure we have your contact info (email or blog address) either in your blogger profile or in the comment itself, so we can contact you if you win. Only one entry per person per giveaway.

This contest will run Tuesday, September 30 - Sunday, October 5 at 7 PM ET.

Halloween Onesies and Tees for Twins and Singles

Check out these cute baby and kids’ Halloween onesies and tees from TrendyTwinShop.com. Then browse the rest of their site for some adorable "coordinating couture for twins, siblings and more."

A Must-Watch for Clueless All Parents-to-Be

My husband and I were pretty clueless about pregnancy and parenting when I found out I was pregnant. I knew we needed to learn as much as we could before the baby arrived, so we wouldn't be more overwhelmed than we needed to be facing parenthood. We read books, took classes at the hospital (childbirth, newborn care and breastfeeding) and checked out some videos from the library. This all helped, but was very time consuming.

I was recently introduced to the Laugh and Learn DVD Series (Childbirth, Breastfeeding & Newborn Baby Care). Wow! I watched the DVDs and all I can think is that I wish I had known about this series three years ago.

Sheri Bayles is the nurse with the personality behind the successful DVD series. She is an award winning childbirth educator and lactation consultant. Plus she is the mother of twin boys, so she knows what she is talking about.

The great thing is that you can watch the videos in the comfort of your own home, on your own time frame (you can press pause every time you get a little overwhelmed about the childbirth explanation or if you feel the need to pee every 10 minutes) and even go back to certain parts as a refresher when you are reaching milestones like giving your baby it's first sponge bath or deciding what pump to buy for breastfeeding.

The About Childbirth DVD was great. I don't think I was the only one who still felt a little clueless about the whole childbirth thing, even after the classes I took. These two dvds about childbirth are very thorough. In them, Sheri gives some great pros and cons of using drugs like demerol, pitocin and epidurals. She also talks about the window of opportunity and how it works. I found the part about a c-section to be especially interesting since I really didn't pay attention to it in our hospital childbirth class only to find myself having a c-section for my son. It's best to just pay attention to it all just in case.

I would suggest watching the dvds then passing them on to your pregnant friends when you are done. You might just want to write your name on the dvds, so you can get them back as a refresher for baby #2!

Winner: Laugh & Learn DVDs and Birthing Ball

Congrats to Dee (comment #21) who is the winner of the Laugh and Learn DVDs and Birthing Ball giveaway. I'll send you an email or you can send your address to babyblogaddict [at] yahoo [dot] com.

Dee said, HAHA..with my first we skipped the whole thing and just "winged" it! Everything went fine. BUT with this one comming i could really use a "refresher"! My friend is pregnant with her first and this would be fun to do together! Thanks for the chance!

Don't miss our BBA review (posted above) for this great series.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Blog Hopping: Order of Baby Teeth

By Emma
BBA Contributor

Did you know that baby teeth have an order of appearance? I sure didn’t, until I found this picture explaining how and when babies get teeth:

First of all the teeth appear in pairs. Pair numbered 1-1 comes first, then the pair numbered 2-2 and so on. There is also a time frame for teeth: the first four pairs erupt in the first year, pairs 5 and 6 from 12 to 18 months, pairs 7 and 8 from 18 to 24 months, and pairs 9 and 10 after the baby is two-years-old.

I think this chart is great! Eric is teething and in so much pain and I find it very hard to comfort him. So naturally it made me wonder if there is light at the end of the tunnel. Well, there is – he is 8-months-old and we’ve got the first three pairs, which means one more to go and we’re done for this year!

Send us your funny/memorable blog posts and video clips. Click here to find out how.

Dads Consider Themselves Parenting Equals

Here's an interesting survey - more than two-thirds (70 percent) of married dads in America consider themselves equal parenting partners with their wives, and 69 percent say fathers are evolving to meet the needs of today's world.

A question for moms: How involved is your husband? Let us know in the comments below.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Dad's Diary: First Tent

By Scott

I made a tent tonight for the first time in decades. My cousin and I used to make them all the time and they would stretch wall-to-wall across his room. It was quite a sight to behold.

Tonight's tent -- Jack's first -- was contructed quickly and with limited supplies but, to him, it was like the Taj Mahal. He doesn't know that it could be better and he doesn't care. All he knows is that he can climb inside, pile things in there with him and call it his own. It's his sanctuary and he's the boss.

In my mind there are very few things better than seeing a child's excited eyes light up when they're exposed to new, exciting things.

Something as simple as grabbing two blankets and a couple of chairs quickly reminded me what being a father is all about. It's just a tent, but it connected my childhood to his.

Blog Hopping: Wrong Way!

By Diana
BBA Contributor

We have been trying to teach Davis to dress himself. Well yesterday this was the result! I am not sure how he thought that would work....Silly boy!

Send us your funny/memorable blog posts and video clips. Click here to find out how.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Giveaway: Two Preemie Halloween Costumes

We just posted about the new preemie Halloween costumes from Elliot's Preemie Tees earlier today. Now, Elliot's wants to give away TWO Preemie Halloween Costumes to lucky BBA readers! If you are one of the two winners chosen, you will get to choose which costume you want.

Here's how to enter:

1. Go to Elliot's Preemie Tees, then scroll down a little on that page for the NICU-friendly costumes. Which one is your favorite?

2. Come back to this post on BBA and leave a comment letting us know which costume is your favorite. Make sure we have your contact info (email or blog address) in your blogger profile or comment itself, so we can contact you if you win. Only one entry per person per giveaway.

We'll select TWO random winners then post them here on BBA next week. Each winner will recieve a costume of their choice.

This contest runs: Friday, 9/26 - Wednesday, 10/1/08 at 7:00 PM ET.

Preemie Halloween Costumes

Elliot's Preemie Tees introduces preemie Halloween costumes. All the nurses in the NICU plus your family and friends will go crazy over your adorable ghost, pumpkin, bumble bee, tiny princess, ladybug, dinosaur or space alien. How special of Elliot's to create something as memorable as a first Halloween costume for your little one!

More Halloween costume ideas to come...

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Blog Hopping: A Very Persistent Little Girl

By Katie
BBA Contributor

Savannah is a very persistent little girl. Once she gets her mind on something, she isn't easily distracted! Unfortunately, like most babies, she isn't very coordinated! I can only imagine the struggle that occurred as she was trying to get her arm out of her shirt. Unfortunately, I wasn't there to witness it, I found her like this when I went to get her out of bed this morning. She's obviously quite proud!

Send us your funny/memorable blog posts and video clips. Click here to find out how.

Baby Born in Bathtub

Nine days after being born in a bathtub, Sinjin Scozzaro visited a Police Department near Boston to personally thank the dispatcher who calmly talked his parents through the delivery.

A dramatic audio recording released by the Belmont police documents the birth.

Best Regis? His Grandson

Regis Philbin has lost the "Best Regis" award yet again. And this time, it's personal: The winner is Philbin's infant grandson, William Xavier. The 7-month-old bested Philbin for the honor at the announcement Thursday of the sixth annual Relly Awards — Philbin's version of the Emmys.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

PETA: Use Breast Milk in Ice Cream

This is one of those stories we couldn't make up if we tried. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is urging Ben & Jerry's ice cream to replace the cow's milk they use in their ice cream products with human breast milk, according to a statement released by a PETA spokesperson.

"PETA's request comes in the wake of news reports that a Swiss restaurant owner will begin purchasing breast milk from nursing mothers and substituting breast milk for 75 percent of the cow's milk in the food he serves," the statement says.

Ben & Jerry's response? Classic. In a statement, the company said, "We applaud PETA's novel approach to bringing attention to an issue, but we believe a mother's milk is best used for her child."

PETA points out that using cow's milk for Ben & Jerry's ice cream is a hazard to their customer's health.

"Dairy products have been linked to juvenile diabetes, allergies, constipation, obesity, and prostate and ovarian cancer," the statement says. "The late Dr. Benjamin Spock, America's leading authority on child care, spoke out against feeding cow's milk to children, saying it may play a role in anemia, allergies, and juvenile diabetes and in the long term, will set kids up for obesity and heart disease-America's number one cause of death."

Read the full statement from PETA here.

Blog Hopping: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

By Sheryl
BBA Contributor
Nanny and Soon-to-Be Mom

This week I've noticed a slight improvement in how tired I am. I can now make it through the day without a nap. I'd still really like one, but it's not so vital anymore. The bad news is that because I don't just fall into bed at night anymore, it's harder for me to get to sleep.

Last night I went to bed at 10:30 and didn't get to sleep until after 1:00. I got up every 10 - 15 minutes to pee, and every time it was as if I hadn't just gone. It was very annoying and I would have just slept on the toilet if I could have gotten comfortable. I was tired enough to fall asleep, I just always had to pee.

I'm very cranky if I don't get enough sleep. Some people have said that this is preparation for getting up several times a night with the baby. That's total bullshit. It's like saying that dieting is preparation for starvation. Or the cure for lack-of-sleep is practicing lack-of-sleep. With all of the adventure vacations we've had I do think that having some experience with sleep deprivation is important and very helpful to get through an event, but you never practice that leading up to the event, that's just stupid.

Anyways, hopefully I'll adjust soon. I'm sure Jonathan is hoping so too; he slept on the couch last night simply so he could get some sleep.

Vintage Baby Blocks By Design {Etc}

I came across these beautiful vintage baby blocks while blog hopping. They are made by Elaine of design {etc} who is a mommy herself. She is a freelance graphic designer by occupation, but says, "There's just something about creating with my hands...I love it! I am blessed to be able to work from home and it is my pleasure to create custom gifts for you and your loved ones!"

$10.00 per block ~ 5 blocks or more, $8.00 per block

Win the Laugh & Learn DVD Series & Birthing Ball ($100 Value)


How many of you had to sit through boring hospital birthing classes every Saturday for a few weeks? Wouldn't you have preferred that outing to be a pre-baby date with your spouse - maybe dinner or a movie...while you didn't have to pay a sitter or go somewhere with a happy meal on the menu?

There is an alternative and you can WIN it from us! It's the LAUGH AND LEARN DVD Series created by Sheri Bayles, a respected childbirth authority. The series includes three (actually four now) DVDs - Laugh and Learn About Childbirth, Newborn Baby Care and Breastfeeding. Plus, you'll win the LAUGH AND LEARN birthing ball (over $100 in total value).

So skip the classes and sign up to win your own set. It's great if you are expecting, ttc, need a refresher for a second child or have a friend who is in need of some free birthing and parenting prep in the comfort of her own home! Coming soon: I'll post my own review of Laugh and Learn.

Here's how to ENTER TO WIN the DVD series and birthing ball:

:: Just leave us a comment on this post. Make sure we have your contact info (email or blog address) either in your blogger profile or in the comment itself, so we can contact you if you win. Only one entry per person per giveaway.

This contest will run Wednesday, September 24 - Sunday, September 28 at 7 PM ET.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Blog Hopping: Digital Cameras at Show-and-Tell

By Pamela Hilton
BBA Contributor

During my time as a preschool teacher, I would have show and tell on Fridays. This was a time for the children to bring in toys from home to show their classmates, and then everyone would have an opportunity to share their toys with each other. I was surprised to see several of the kids bring in real digital cameras for show and tell. But as I inspected these digital cameras, I realized the genius behind them.

For starters, the design of the cameras was brilliant. They were heavy, sturdy, and brightly colored. They featured wide handles on either side and had only a few simple buttons. The pixel quality was obviously not great, but that doesn’t matter to children. They get such joy out of taking their own pictures. And what’s better, these cameras cost less than a hundred dollars – sometimes as little as fifty dollars.

A child taking their own digital images is a concept that makes sense on many levels. Children always seem to be excited about taking part in anything that identifies them with adults that they look up to, and this includes using any kind of electronics. Children are also notorious for their unquenchable sense of curiosity, and the ability to take pictures helps to nurture this priceless quality.

It’s a great way to support the love of photography and art, and give the child a sense of importance. And think of how great they will feel when they see an album of pictures they have taken!

Probing the Complex Mother-Infant Bond

It’s probably not surprising that mothers excel at recognizing and interpreting the moods and emotions of their infants. Although infants can’t speak, mothers seem to know what their babies are thinking: they smile when their baby smiles and they frown when their baby is upset. Research suggests that the mother’s ability to understand the needs of her infant is very important for establishing a secure mother-infant relationship.

Website Spotlights: Hip and Trendy Baby
and Organic For Baby

Two beautifully designed blogs, fabulous baby product reviews and contests...that's what you'll find when you head on over to Organic For Baby (one of our BBA advertisers) or their sister site, Hip & Trendy Baby.

While you're over there, check out Organic For Baby's current contest for two beautiful organic hooded towels.

The author, Tabitha, launched both sites when she realized that in preparing for her new family, she found so many items that were fantastic and "one-of-a-kind", so she she started to make a list. She wanted to always know where to find the products again. And that list eventually became these websites.

Both sites look for the best products in their respective categories. Hip and Trendy Baby looks for items that are, of course, trendy as well as useful and unique. Organic For Baby showcases products that are eco-friendly, sustainable and organic.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Celebrity Baby News

:: Pics of Jamie Lynn Spears Breastfeeding Stolen
Jamie Lynn's fiance, Casey Aldridge, reportedly took their digital camera to a Louisiana Wal-Mart to get pictures developed (who still does that anyway?). A male employee is believed to have copied the photos, with the idea of being able to turn around and sell them. Oops!

:: Samantha Harris on Breastfeeding and Baby Names
The Dancing with the Stars co-host, 34, tells FAMEbaby that balancing her career and motherhood isn't always as easy as she'd like.

:: Baby Bump for Eva Longoria?
The dress the Desperate Housewives star wore to last night's Emmy Awards has people in Hollywood talking. But Longoria is denying the rumor every chance she gets. Her Housewives co-star, Felicity Huffmann, joked that she's just fat.

:: Keanu Reeves, Parker Posey Expecting Baby?
The couple were spotted spending more than $1,000 on baby products in exclusive Los Angeles store Petit Tresor.

:: Jessica Alba's Perfect Post-Baby Body
The actress, who once said she doesn't work out regularly, gave birth to her first daughter in June, and less than four months later looks like this.

Win Up To $1500 for How-To Videos

Are you an expert swaddler? Can you gussy up a onesie? Did you build your own crib or decorate your nursery on a budget? Well, have we got the contest for you! Share your mad mommy (or daddy) skills through a video lesson and be eligible to win up to $1500 in prizes in the MindBites The Baby Formula Instructional Video Contest.

Here are the contest details:

  • Grand Prize: $1000, People's Choice Award: $500
  • Benefiting Any Baby Can (http://www.abcaus.org/)
  • Submissions should be how-to videos about babies, newborn to three years or parenting of babies 0-3
  • Submission deadline is November 3rd
  • Vote weekly until Nov. 3rd, and daily Nov. 3rd - Nov. 14th
  • Winners announced Nov. 18th
  • Register at www.mindbites.com/the-baby-formula

Eric Carle Cards - The Very Hungry Caterpillar and More

Design your own cards and postcards for birthday party invitations, baby announcements, baby shower invitations and thank you notes using Eric Carle's designs on Kodakgallery.com.

Choose from Eric Carle's The Very Hungry Caterpillar, The Very Lonely Firefly, The Very Busy Spider and Brown Bear. Kodak.com offers a few different print options including pictures - folded cards, accordian style and 5x7 post cards.

How cute and colorful, just like Eric Carle's books, which happen to be some of my son's favorites!

Winner: "A Real Ham" Organic Tee

Congratulations to The Lee Family (comment #13) who won the giveaway for the "a real ham" organic tee from NewBornMom.com.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Blog Hopping: Toe Lickin' Good

By Carla
BBA Contributor

We all went out to Brian's employers' 20th anniversary picnic today. The theme was Harry Potter, so they had cool things going on. There were owls, falcons, a fortune teller and a magic show. They also played quittage (non-flying of course), people came dressed in costumes and the decorations were cool.

It has rained a ton here the last week and some of the country roads were flooded. There was one place I got out to test how high the water was before we drove over it because we could not see the road - crazy. The farm where the picnic was held was pretty wet. They tried to help things out by putting straw down, but it was still messy. We all left with very messy feet and we had to stop by the store on the way home. Brian ran in while I sat in the van with the boys. I hear weird sucking sounds from the back seat. I guess Gareth wanted his toes clean.

Send us your funny blog posts and video clips. Click here to find out how.

Create a Free Blog Signature

You can personalize your blog posts by creating your own free signature at MyLiveSignature.com. They offer everything necessary to create both static and animated signatures to add to your email messages, blogs, posts on forums and on websites.

There are three ways to get your signature:
  1. Imitate your signature yourself using the step-by-step signature creation wizard.
  2. Imitate your signature yourself using the on screen signature draw widget.
  3. Write your signature with a pencil, pen or a felt-tip pen on a sheet of paper, scan the sheet and let their designers create the signature by sending the scanned image via a special form.

MyLiveSignature prices:

  • Create a signature imitation using the Wizard -FREE
  • Order a realistic signature from scanned image - $9.95
  • Order signature animation - $19.95
Have you used any other free signature sites? Let your fellow Baby Blog Addicts know in the comments below.

Marky Mark's Fiancee Has Baby #3

Mark Wahlberg’s fiancee, Rhea Durham, has given birth to the couple’s third child, according to Us Weekly. Wahlberg, the star of the upcoming film “Max Payne,” and Durham, have two children together — Ella, 4, and Michael, 2.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Gap Casting Call

Wow! It's that time of year again. Time for the extremely popular Gap Casting Call. We covered it last year and it was one of our most popular posts.

Gap is teaming up with Snapfish this year which means finalists and winners will receive prize packages including special gifts from babyGap, GapKids and Snapfish.

Here are some things to note (click here for the complete official rules):

  • Ages: Babies (ages four and under) and kids (ages five to ten).

  • Submission Dates: September 15 - October 22, 2008

  • Rules: Only one child per picture. Submit your favorite photo of your child(ren) for a chance for them to be featured in an upcoming babyGap or GapKids campaign.

  • Judging: A panel of judges will narrow all entries received down to 20 finalists (5 boys, 5 girls, 5 baby boys, and 5 baby girls). Those finalists will be voted on by the public from December 8 - December 21, 2008. The children who receive the most votes in each category will be announced as winners in January 2009.

Good luck!!! Let us know if your child is selected as a finalist.

Enter Our Current Giveaway

Don't forget to enter our current giveaway for the "a real ham" organic tee from NewBornMom.com.

Deadline is Sunday, 9/21/08 at 6pm ET.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Blog Hopping: Note to Self...

By Katie
BBA Contributor

One-year-olds can and will take off their own diapers. I will no longer be putting Savannah down for naps in nothing but a diaper. I was lucky this time... I don't even want to think about the mess that could have been!

Send us your funny Baby Blog posts and videos and we'll pass them along to Baby Blog Addicts worldwide!

Green Parenting and a Critical Eye

When it comes to Green parenting, a San Francisco pediatrician and author on the subject - Dr. Alan Greene, coincidentally - suggests keeping a critical eye on the products you put on your child's skin day-in and day-out, like diaper rash ointment, baby soap and sunscreen.

Study: Parenting Style Influences Infant's Stress Response

Parenting style starts to influence a child's ability to deal with stress as early as six months of age, a new report says. The findings, published in the September/October issue of Child Development, show that parenting and genes influence how a child deals with stress, and that parental actions could put infants at risk of developing poor responses to such situations.

J Lo OK With Baby Weight

After giving birth to twins, actress Jennifer Lopez says she never felt pressured to lose the baby weight and regain her pre-pregnancy figure.
She tells People.com, "I don't weigh myself a lot. I still have 10 pounds, or so. (But) I don't have any problems with it. I never felt I had to get rid of it."

She says her husband, Marc Anthony, "loves the way I look."

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Sarah Palin Baby Name Generator

It has arrived. The Sarah Palin Baby Name Generator. In case you lost track, her children are named Track, Trig, Bristol, Willow and Piper.

If she were your mother, what would your name be? Click here to find out and, if you'd like, leave the results in the comments below. We entered Baby Blog Addict and ours came back as Pie Gallon Palin. Nice. We'll stick with Baby Blog Addict.

90210 Shocker!

It took eight years and a new show with the same name to tie up some loose ends, but the secret is out. On last night's episode of 90210, it was revealed that Dylan Mckay is the father of Kelly Taylor's 4-year-old son.

Luke Perry (Dylan) has reportedly been non-committal about a possible return, but US Weekly says don't rule it out.

“(Luke) is in talks. The writers really want to do the Kelly-Brenda-Dylan plotline,” a source told the mag.

'Baby Mama' Tops DVD Sales

Universal's comedy "Baby Mama" topped the national home video sales and rental charts in its first week in stores.

Study: Pregnant Mom's Flu Shot Protects Baby

According to new research, if a flu shot is given to a woman during her pregnancy, it can help shield her newborn against the potentially deadly virus.

The study, conducted in Bangladesh, bolsters longstanding U.S. recommendations that pregnant women get vaccinated against influenza -- especially since it is also recommended that infants under 6 months of age not receive the shot.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Blog Hopping: Contagious Giggles

By Brianne Gibson
BBA Contributor/Mother of Twins

This video was taken one year ago and for some reason a little jingly block became hilarious to my twins! I started tickling them with it and all three of us were actually laughing uncontrollably while we were taking the video. Enjoy!

Send us your funny videos or blog posts! Click here to find out how.

BBA Headlines

:: Baby Saves Family
A family of eight who escaped from a burning house in West Seattle Tuesday says a 6-month-old baby alerted them to the danger.

:: Poehler to Leave 'SNL'
Amy Poehler is leaving "Saturday Night Live" after this season in order to concentrate on family. NBC confirmed today that the actress and comedian would not return after breaking for maternity leave in a few weeks.

:: 'Baby Coordinators' to the Rescue
They are the latest entry in the burgeoning "baby planning" field that helps expectant parents prepare for a new baby by advising on everything from the most absorbent diapers and sleekest strollers to decorating a nursery and readying a pet.

:: Why Babies Get Flat Heads
A little known issue with newborns is growing more common, affecting one in 45 babies.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Blog Hopping: Perfect Babies

By Emma
BBA Contributor

Don’t you just hate the parents of those perfect babies? You know, the ones that sleep through the night, eat without making a mess, never have bad days, smile all the time and quietly play on their own with their little toys.

Don’t you just hate the people that say to you: “Your baby is waking up for feeds at night? Oh, that’s awful, you poor thing - at this age he must sleep through!”

And how about the people who say: “By this age he must be able to sit upright and feed himself with a spoon, my children did!”

Well, news flash – my baby has no idea about this “MUST” word, he has no clue about all the things that according to some people he “must” do. And you know what? I think that I will erase that word from my vocabulary as well. My baby has the right to develop in his own pace and this word just gets in the way!

Editor's note: This is the first of weekly installments of Baby Blog posts, submitted by fellow Baby Blog Addicts. Read the post below to submit your own. There are plenty of great ones to come!

Airline Antics

Apparently flight attendants get frustrated while traveling with children, too. Mikki M, in a post on momtourage.com, writes that she was THAT mom.

"I was the mom in the aisle drying up spilled apple juice," Mikki writes. "I was the mom trying to mix a formula bottle while my two year old squirmed on my lap waiting for me to start the Elmo video. I was the mom that got up when the fasten seat belt sign was on because my child had to go 'potty' for the fifth time. I was the mom that kept pulling the bag out from under the seat in front of me and bothering that passenger while they tried to sleep. I was the mom that desperately tried to keep my two year old from waking everyone up to say 'hi.' I was the mom who finally got her child to take a nap 10 minutes before we landed. Finally, I was the mom that organized, planned and plotted pampered, soothed and consoled assisted, apologized and got creative. I was that mom!"

Read the rest of Mikki's drama-filled story here.

Reigning in Grandparents' Gift-Giving

A Baltimore Sun reader is looking for advice to keep grandparents "from going completely overboard with expensive, elaborate, space-consuming gifts that don't reflect our parenting values."

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Giveaway: "A Real Ham" Organic Tee


NewBornMom.com is an online baby boutique that carries 100% eco-friendly & modern products

We are excited to be giving away the "A Real Ham" Organic Tee (size 6-12 months) by Blirt. The shirt is made of super soft, high quality organic cotton. I'm sure your little one will look adorable and feel very comfy in it.

These organic tees put a modern spin on some old-school figures of speech...making them not only eco-hip, but playfully educational. Each tee comes stamped on the front with a caricature corresponding to the offbeat phrase, and on the tag it has a brief explanation of the figure of speech.

Here's how to enter to win your own organic tee:

1. Go to NewBornMom and search through their site for your favorite item.

2. Let us know your favorite in a comment on this post. Make sure we have your contact info (email or blog address) either in your blogger profile or in the comment itself, so we can contact you if you win. Only one entry per person per giveaway.

We'll select a random winner then post it here on BBA next week. This contest runs: Sunday, 9/14 - Sunday, 9/21/08 at 6pm ET.

Winners: Booty Goo

Congratulations to the three winners who will each receive a tube of Booty Goo and a bib. I'll email the three of you for your addresses.

  • Comment #14 - Cherie who said, "I like that it doesn't have an artificial fragrance..."

  • Comment #21 - Lillian who said, "I love that there is a picture of a guy who made it and he's been doing it for 35 years. Impressive..."

  • Comment #22 - Portland who said, "I like that it has aloe and e for healing."

  • Thanks to Booty Goo and to everyone who entered. If you didn't win, you can still receive 10% off your purchase by entering the code "babyblog."

    Dad's Diary: Swearing by Swaddling

    By Scott

    Before Jack was born, I wasn't too sure about swaddling. I knew Jesus was swaddled, but how he got that way was a mystery. Despite my uncertainty, once I watched a helpful DVD and had an in-hospital lesson, I was a swaddling pro. Jennifer was a natural; like other things in parenthood, I had to learn on the job. But something happened between the hospital and home. We somehow forgot about swaddling.

    After a couple of rough nights with Jack, we realized we hadn't done it since we were at the hospital - a big mistake that was quickly corrected.

    Once we started swaddling him again, he slept like a baby (pun intended). We hardly heard a peep between feedings, as long as he was wrapped up nice and tight.

    He may go off to college with his swaddling blankets.

    Someone back in Baby Jesus' day must have known a thing or two about kids.

    Previous Dad's Diary entries:
    :: Hospital Lockdown
    :: 12 Days Early?!
    :: Breastfeeding Class

    :: Beyond the First Five Minutes
    :: Goodbye, Pacifiers
    :: And More...