Who Knew? Guck in Tub Toys
By Jennifer
Who Knew that tub toys would harbor guck (defined as "oozy sloppy dirt or debris" by Merriam-Webster). I guess I didn't realize that the rubber ducky and little rubber fish that my son played with in the bathtub were collecting water through little tiny holes and growing guck inside.
I thought that if I just squirted out the excess water after bathtime, it would be ok. But it's not! My son freaked out when he saw the little flecks of guck that flew out of the rubber ducky's mouth when all I was trying to do was make him giggle. Needless to say, that was a very quick bath and the poor rubber ducky went to rubber ducky heaven that night.I thought I was the only neglectful parent until I read about the exact same thing on another blog. It's good to know I'm not alone in the guck department.
Who knew that you had to clean those little suckers out? Now, you know. Please feel free to share your own tips about how you clean your baby's bath toys to keep them guck-free.
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