Tuesday, June 12, 2007


A 24-year-old woman in Minneapolis (four boys, two girls) and a 32-year-old woman in Phoenix (three boys, three girls) gave birth to sextuplets within 10 hours of each other. All six babies in Minneapolis are in critical condition and the mother in Phoenix suffered heart failure. She is recovering in an intensive care unit.

The Arizona sextuplets were featured this morning on the Today Show. Click here to check out the video.


NIKKI said...

WOW I can't even begin to imagine! I missed this story...thanks for sharing!!!

beth ewing said...

wow is right. have you guys ever watched "Jon and Kate Plus 8" on Discovery Health? they have twin 6 year olds and sextuplet 2 year olds. it's neat to watch how crazy their lives are.

Jennifer Walker said...

Yes. I've seen "Jon and Kate Plus 8". They are amazing. If I ever feel overwhelmed, I think about them for a second and realize that life with one is soooo easy! The good thing is their kids seem to do a good job entertaining each other.

Melissa said...

I have so much respect for people with higher order multiples! Twins and another wear me out!!