Sunday, July 1, 2007

How Addicted to Blogging Are You?

I'm 72%. Yikes! Find out how addicted you are by answering a few questions and then post your results on your own blog or in the comments section here.

72%How Addicted to Blogging Are You?


NIKKI said...

I am 67%...I thought it would be much higher! :)

steele family said...

that is so funny! i am 65% although my husband would argue those findings, lol!

Anonymous said...

I know. If we're only in the 60-70% range, I'd hate to see someone who is 100% addicted.

But I have to admit that after starting Baby Blog Addict and really looking at what is out there beyond our "circle of blogs", I've realized that the blogging addiction goes waaaaay beyond what we do!

Adrienne said...

I am 71%!

beth ewing said...

i was 64%

Bridget said...

I am 58%... that's gotta be wrong. ;)

Danielle said...

Only 52 percent. One would think I have a life. (One would be wrong!)