Quad Spotlight: Goerlich Quads
Growing Together Under One Son
We've featured three amazing quad families so far - the Steece Quads, Murray Quads and McNulty Quads. Our final spotlight before we start posting the behind the scenes Q&As with these super quad moms is the Goerlich Quads Blog: Growing Together Under One Son. I have to admit that I just recently discovered the Goerlich Quads after all of these four amazing couples went on vacation together and blogged about it.My introduction to them was the synchronized swimming video that Mari (pronounced like Mary) and Chris made of themselves. It's hilarious and considering the circumstances, it proves that they have a great sense of humor. They missed their flight to meet the other quad couples
by just TWO minutes, so instead of hanging around the airport, they headed to a hotel to get some rest and shot this hilarious video at the pool.
Instead of dwelling on missing their flight, Chris and Mari made light of the situation and shared it with us, their family, friends and strangers who follow their blog. That's something that stands out with these four quad families; they all seem so laid back.When we asked Mari to share with us her favorite post from her blog, she said, "The post from November 9th, 2007 is our favorite - that was the day we finally had all 4 babies home!" Check it out here.
Stay tuned. Tomorrow we will start to post the behind the scenes Q&As with all four quad moms and we'll continue to have giveaways, like the $40 to Word Candy Vinyl above.
Oh, they're so cute. I have a daughter and I can't get enough of her sometimes. Wow, 4 lovely little angels should do the trick haha. Thanks for sharing.
I LOVED that video...I was crying I was laughing so hard! They are soo funny!
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