iPhone Fun for Toddlers
By Scott
I own an iPhone. It cost a lot. So why on earth would I let our toddler put his grimy little fingers all over it? First, he only plays with it in a "safe" area. That means one of us is watching him and he's sitting down on the sofa, carpet or some other harmless surface and can't walk around with it. Jack is almost three and, like me, he loves gadgets. On a recent two-hour flight we kept him entertained by ditching the portable DVD player and "upgrading" him to our video iPod. At his fingertips he had access to his favorites: Ratatouille, Super Why! and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.On the iPhone, it took no time at all for him to learn to scroll through the hundreds of pictures by sliding his finger across the screen and double-tapping them to zoom in. Pretty incredible to watch, actually. Outside of the pics, his favorite thing to do is play around with the bubble wrap application. A couple of other good ones include bubbles and iDoodle2Lite. There are sure to be a lot more in Apple's App Store soon.
Which gadgets work for you?
no way would I let Libby touch an iphone... Goodness knows what would happen to it. I do have to say she's figured out how to work the laptop though... even though she's not supposed to touch it. We have an old laptop in a closet that we've been meaning to set up for her. But you know she won't be interested in it... she'll want ours I'm sure. ;)
My 30 month old loves the Preschool adventure app. She doesn't seem to mind the american accent at all.
While waiting to see the doctor one day I got out my blackberry and showed my 2 1/2 year old daughter her pictures on the little screen. She loved it! We looked at the same pictures 100 times, before we knew it the doctor was ready for us.
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