We are thrilled to be part of Baby Einstein's Parent-Child Interaction Campaign. As a result we were given the opportunity to review the Baby Einstein Baby's First Moves DVD, thanks to Mom Central and The Baby Einstein Company. There's something about the Baby Einstein DVDs that is captivating, especially to little ones...but watch out, you may catch yourself captivated by them too.
Our household already had a few Baby Einstein DVDs that my son received when he was a baby, but Baby's First Moves wasn't one of them. This DVD does a great job showing clapping, dancing, jumping and taking first steps in a similar way to the other Baby Einstein DVDs -- with other babies, puppets and classical music -- all of which my son loves. Even though my son is already two, he still enjoyed this DVD and I'm sure he would have loved it when he was hitting those motor milestones from about 9-18 months.
I know that TV in general is controversial for children under two years old, but I agree with The Baby Einstein Company's stance that "they believe that when used properly, developmentally-appropriate video content can be a useful tool for parents and little ones to enjoy together."
Like many other parenting situations, it's what you make of it. If you consider the Baby Einstein DVDs tools to interact with your child, you will both get so much more out of them. Clap with your child, dance with them and jump with them. Ask them about the colors of the puppets, which is their favorite and let the interaction continue beyond the DVD.
Don't just take my word for it, check out what Baby's Einstein is saying about Parent-Child Interaction. And if you'd like to share your own parent-child interaction tips and stories of discovery, you can post them at BabyEinstein.com. Your story may be chosen for their homepage news widget.