Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Shift of the Mommyblogger

Check out Rita Arens' very interesting post, "The Shift of the Mommyblogger," on BlogHer. It's obviously a very hot topic based on all of the comments she has received. What do you think? Has your blogging style shifted?

There's change in the air for the first wave of mommybloggers. They don't complain about their kids much anymore. In fact, they don't write about their kids as much as they used to. Have they lost interest? Lost their edge? Or are their kids just old enough to read?...


Bridget said...

Well,yeah it's shifted... my life is constantly shifting. I started our blog after we got married as a way to keep our families up to date on us and to chronicle our first year as hubby and wife. Then when we became parents, it became a great way to keep the grandparents up to date on the babies.... it's a mix of my mood for the day... do I write about observations, politics, babies... usually it's babies. But as they get older, I can definitely see the focus going back to more of my interests. We'll see???

Momisodes said...

My very first blog entry at Momisodes was about me starting anew as a mother, hitting the resent button, and finding more time for myself. So perhaps it set the tone for the varied directions I've taken my entries. Although, I'd say I still complain or share about my kiddo at least once a week. :)